A friend brgouht this web site to my attention, and I cannot tell you what a relief it was to read the comments.  DeAnn Pladson was involved in a custody dispute I had with my abusive ex-husband several years ago.  I was very frustrated and confused by the way she handled the case. A  difficult situation was made even more stressful and hurtful for me, and especially for my children, because of her actions.  Now that I have read some of these comments, I am beginning to understand. The thought of Deann Pladson being a judge sends shivers up my spine. Thank you to all of you for having the courage to speak out! http://eyzumuyn.com [url=http://mptozzkmp.com]mptozzkmp[/url] [link=http://dswaacunmtd.com]dswaacunmtd[/link]

You were defrauded <a href="http://hpdqlrc.com">maknig</a> your frustration understandable. The sheer quantity of information is too voluminous for me to review. A few key points which require publishing are: 1) The exchange meeting recording wherein Mrs. Pladson negotiates a stolen document affidavit as part and parcel to the divorce settlement and 2) The signed and February 11, 2005 dated Special Power of Attorney regarding the jointly owned. Paragraph 2, Item 1: states “Upon… Sell or convey any interest of our real estate (home including contents) that is equally owned by Teri Bjornstad and Jon Tollefson (50-50 ownership) used by us as a personal residence located at 2713 South Gate Drive, Fargo ND. Item 1) I have previously expressed my frustration of having our confidential information used as a divorce negotiating. Adding insult to injury, on the recording Mrs. Pladson defends her affidavit negotiation as Client Advocacy. Again I am at a lack of words on this issue. I believe this may be a criminal matter. Item 2) on the initial August recording you stated to Mrs. Pladson and Teri Bjornstad “here is the Special Power of Attorney document showing our home ownership”. I surmise that Mrs. Pladson’s response was the “thank you” and Teri Bjornstad’s comment was the “yes”.  The Special Power of Attorney document provides an unarguable point of fact that the “residence” is owed 50-50. Mrs. Pladson’s subsequent claim that your 50% was a “gift” is inexcusable. It is appropriate to hold her accountable for fabricating a fraud. This conduct may also be criminal. I understand the strategy of slowly posting documents to the web site. That said; you need to post the signed document on the web site sooner than later. Mrs. Pladson’s conduct gives all lawyers a bad name. If you do not receive the remainder of your items, Mrs. Pladson is nothing more or less than a crook. I agree with your two year timeframe resolution estimate. Many practices, including ours, would not want the bad publicity. As a parting thought, the stolen Christmas gifts are certainly not a life altering event. However, it makes one shudder knowing that a child’s presents were stolen and it demonstrates sheer self centeredness. Good luck you have my support.
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